we build
AI-enabled digital products

create impact with unparalleled speed and quality in the face of complexity

rapid proof of concept-ing with generative AI

explore how GPT-based AI can boost your business

rapid proof of concept-ing with generative AI

AI turns mobile sensor data into life-saving insights

bringing the future of car insurance to 10 top U.S. insurers

behavioral science meets tech to beat hypertension

taking a client from pharma company to digital disruptor

spinning animation

working for a sustainable future supported by humane digital products

The future we believe in is one where the needs of the people, the environment and the economy are in harmony. We are committed to the UN Sustainability Goals and are able to advise you on how to maximize the positive impact of your digital products. We’re a partner you can be proud to have at your side, a carbon-neutral company supporting numerous charitable causes every year.

We believe that any digital product can foster sustainability. Let’s figure out together how yours will too.
World changing ideas
Climate neutral bagde

let’s shape your future together

2-4 Rufus StreetSecond FloorN1 6PE London
33 Nassau AveSecond Floor11222 Brooklyn, NY
Fred. Roeskestraat115, Edge Olympic1076 EE Amsterdam
Leopold-Ungar-Platz2/1/21190 Wien
Ruoholahdenkatu 21, 00180 Helsinki,Finland
9 Károly krt. Second Floor1075 Budapest
Let’s talk about your product
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